You are currently browsing the monthly archive for July 2013.

The Barna Group has published an interesting interview about a new look/trend of evangelism.  I found it to be very interesting and something that I had not thought of before.

In the article, the Barna Group published some figures from it’s research: “According to Barna research, only 4% of unchurched adults were invited to church by a friend and actually went, 23% were invited but declined, and 73% were never invited at all.”  At first I found this pretty shocking, but then I thought, “when was the last time that I invited someone to church.”  Hmmm…if other Christians are like me then maybe this statistic isn’t as shocking as I thought (sadly).

I would encourage you to check out this article about the new way that we can try and reach our non-Christian friends, neighbors and people we meet.  Leave a comment and let me know what you think!

Here is a really interesting article from Relevant Magazine on tithing.  The numbers in this article really shocked me.